In Limbo | Odd Nerdrum
2017.5.7 - 2017.8.20 | 2F-3F, Yu-Hsiu Museum of Art
Odd Nerdrum’s solo exhibition, In Limbo, takes its title from his painting Limbo, 2006, suggesting that the figures in all his paintings are in limbo. Despite their different appearances and situations, the figures reveal entangled and ambiguous feelings and emotions as well as intriguing situations. According to the Roman Catholic Church, "limbo" is the abode of unbaptized but innocent or righteous souls, as those of infants or virtuous individuals who lived before the coming of Christ. They were not baptized; and because they lacked faith in God, they could never be saved.
In addition, the figures in Nerdrum's paintings are not great personages. Contrarily, they are ordinary young and aged men and women that form a collective symbol of humanity. They live in the limbo of their own making, find themselves in dangerous situations or in solitude, and the only thing they have in common is that they all suffer. Nerdrum's delineation of the figures' expression is metaphoric and predictive; and the desolate landscape that is the backdrop of his paintings foregrounds the humanity he has never stopped portraying. While enshrouding people in a strong sense of detachment, Nerdrum's work still conveys his humanistic concerns and demonstrates the artistic legacy of past masters, which he has internalized and transformed into his creative philosophy and inspiration.
Artists' Profile
Odd. Odd Nerdrum
Born in Sweden as a second world war refugee in April 1944, Nerdrum has established himself in the pantheon of great figurative painters. With laser focus Nerdrum set himself upon the singular goal of painting as well as Rembrandt when he was only 14 years old.
Nerdrum studied briefly at the Dusseldorf Academy with the German artist Joseph Bueys who may have influenced Nerdrum’s brand of myth-making. Nerdrum is also an influential teacher and mentor; since 18 years old, Nerdrum has educated a constant flow of apprentices and now runs the Nerdrum School, a European-based tuition-free apprenticeship program. Nerdrum is also an author of many books, including a collection of short stories, and two books on his kitsch philosophy, entitled On Kitsch (2001) and Kitsch More than Art (2011). Nerdrum’s work is held in several public collections worldwide including in the United States: the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington, D.C., the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, New York, New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA), New Orleans, Louisiana, Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego (MCASD), San Diego, California, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art, Cleveland, Ohio and in Norway, The Astrup Fearnley Museum of Art, Oslo and in Sweden, The Gothenburg Museum of Art.
In Limbo | Odd Nerdrum
In Limbo | Odd NerdrumIn Limbo | Odd Nerdrum
In Limbo | Odd NerdrumIn Limbo | Odd Nerdrum
In Limbo | Odd NerdrumPublications
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